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Writer's pictureZachary Jaffe

Scandal: Zach Power Buys Patents and HIKES Medicine Prices

-Joe Nuts, Edited by FJaec Knuz

Health care has been a hot topic in politics for a while now and when it comes to candidate Zach Power, health care is one of his most important fields. On his platform, he states that he will, “provide affordable healthcare for every U.S. citizen” and it “will be available to everyone and everywhere in the U.S.” While this sounds good, there have been trends going under the radar that would indicate that Zach Power is actually tarnishing the health care system. Ever since he has become a presidential candidate, the prices for a multitude of medicines have gone up and it's obvious what is happening. Zach Power is buying all the medicine patents in the U.S. and selling the medicines at higher and higher prices. However, not only is Zach Power selling medicine for ludicrous prices in the U.S., but he is also exporting it for cheap to China. The reason for doing this selfish crime is obvious and it has crippled the U.S. healthcare system, causing many citizens to be unable to afford health care. Medicine will soon be short of supply and drive the country into an unaffordable and unwanted place to live.

“How am I supposed to feed my family if I spend $80 on insulin every day?” Said Luka Tim, a diabetic father of 4, “ever since insulin prices spiked to three times what they were, making ends meet is impossible.”

Zach Power bought the patents for insulin, and since three weeks ago, the price per vial has been increasing by the day. Power has been raking in billions of dollars off of the collapse of the healthcare system. Perhaps Zach Power might indeed want to become president to get a tighter hold on health care, but it is clear that he wants it all for himself rather than for the people.

Yet the scandal doesn’t stop there. Power spent 6 years in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in a chemical research laboratory on the effects of diseases on bats. However, we noticed that as soon as Power left on November 13, 2019 with payment of $300 million from an unknown organization, the coronavirus pandemic began… off of a bat in a market down the street from his facility. This must mean he has most likely contributed to the breakout of COVID-19. He wants people to be sick so he can profit from it. Getting the money to buy all this important medicine must come from somewhere, and this virus must be the reason.

Before Zach Power, like all the other controversial candidates, will say these claims are false and there is no evidence, evidence has been provided this time that cannot be refuted. There are multiple pieces of evidence from reliable sources that have been corroborated.

Health care prices, that is all we need. (Data from CDC · FUUniversity· SIRS Discovery · The New York Times · Joe Nuts Inc.™):

The exact date that Zach Power took hold of tens of medicine patents, the health care system in America has completely collapsed. Seniors, patients, and families have all suffered after Power doubled, tripled, and sometimes even quadrupled the medicine costs.

Additionally, Power may deny his holdings of medicine patents, yet he of course cannot. He cannot deny the US government. Below is a list of one of the many lists of medicine patents Power owns according to the US Patent and Trademark Office, and all of these medicines listed have jumped in price since he bought them.

Has Zach Power been profiting off of the lives of the citizens of America? Are his goals to “provide affordable health care” all a lie? Or is he attempting to use the presidency to monopolize the pharmaceutical market?

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