-Patrick Starr and Isabel Jones

Yesterday's debate was chaotic. Jonah Nazareth kept interrupting, and everyone kept attacking us. We literally just talk about what we have evidence for. Hosselhoff said he wasn’t worried about the image released by Nazareth’s team and claimed it was fake. Nazareth said that he was lying and doesn’t know what cryptocurrency is. Clearly there are a lot of issues they need to work out, but the Language Post will stick with the evidence. Anyways, here’s what we know from the debate.
Foreign Policy:
We support Zach Power and Caroline Dunk’s foreign policy. They support friendships with foreign powers and believe you can’t fight by yourself and there should be strong relationships around the globe to help one another. Dunk specifically mentions a strong relationship with Estonia and making America a helping place for immigrants. On the other hand, Nazareth wanted to make more guns and a mote, so there's that…. He also said we don’t need friends and we have to stick to our roots because they’re the most essential part of the planet? Hosselhoff said we need confidence in the US military and to keep threats contained. We agree, there should be confidence in the US military and we should stop threats to our citizens, but in the end, we should focus on friendships with other countries.
Environmental Policy:
Brandon supports more protected wildlife zones, scientists being the future of America, and proposed a 50% sales tax on meat. We don’t think that will go well with Americans, but he says environmental issues are all related to meat and everyone should be vegan. Nazareth audibly booed at Brandon after that statement and said that it wouldn’t be beneficial for Americans. Brandon said that short-term effects would have drawbacks Nazareth talked about, but in the long term Americans would get used to it and it would eventually be beneficial. Power mainly supported national parks, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, wind power, and solar panels, all of which are known to have positive effects on the environment. Dunk agrees in maintaining the environment and claimed to have raised $100,000 for the World Wildlife Fund. In a recent scandal, she seemed to not support the environment, but she said that the image of her was fabricated and she doesn’t have facial hair. We believe that it was her and the facial hair was a disguise. Hosselhoff said to regulate emissions and not harm industries that fuel the economy. The other Republican said to relocate Native Americans. This is harmful to say for many people and he should be canceled. How are you going to let Nazareth win the election when he says these obscure things about fellow humans? He said they aren’t real Americans too. Read up on your US history Nazareth before speaking next time.
Economic Policy:
Nazareth believed that we need to get rid of taxes on American businesses and tax other countries, he said to make them pay for everything. Other candidates brought up that we are the ones in massive debt and how wondered how this would help. He responded by saying that other countries need to pay so that they can see how great we are. We don’t think this would go well with other countries if Nazareth was elected and tried to enforce this. Hosselhoff said it was important to decrease taxes on American corporations and increase production. He said that taxes would increase, but there would be more job opportunities. I can only see this increasing the gap between the rich and poor, however, job opportunities would be beneficial for everyone. Power promoted power to the people. By this he means that power would go to Americans that don’t have as many advantages, people need help and need power. He wants to raise taxes for the rich and lower taxes for the poor, which, unlike Hosselhoff’s economic policy, would reduce the growing gap between rich and poor Americans.
In their closing statements, these candidates had a lot to say. Brandon wants to create a better future to unite and Power wants to give power to the people. Hosselhoff said he’d raise the minimum wage to $11 because workers should be able to live off minimum wage. He also stated that he’d make America go from a joke to a civil country by making corporations thrive so that families thrive. Dunk, the only female candidate, would provide better access to health care, make tax reforms, and provide for the people. America runs on Dunk and it would be nice to have a woman be president for a change. Lastly, there's Nazareth. The scandal candidate. He attacked The Language Post calling us fake news and falsely reporting on facts. He claimed again that everything about the Olympic Drug Crisis was fake and the meeting he had were to hunt and show them Americans are better. Other candidates also raged out and said we were fake news, but in the end… the truth is what we make it. Whether what he says is true or not, we report on the facts and you can rely on us.