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Writer's pictureZachary Jaffe

The Founding Fathers Would be Appalled at Recent Attacks on Free Press

-Fjaec Knuz

The past few weeks have been a muddled hot mess of scandal after scandal. The presidential candidates that we know and probably don’t love seem to consistently be at odds with what they are standing for. We have Caroline Dunk fighting for the environment by rolling-coal, Jonah Nazareth claiming he is a patriot yet obviously colluding with the British, and Zach Power hiking medicine prices despite fighting for affordable healthcare. We also cannot forget Nazareth and Harry Hosselhoff’s funding of Olympic doping. We as the Language Post, the divine arbiters of truth, exposed these scandals to the public and delivered to the people what they deserve to know. Of course, this has put the Language Post at risk.

When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution, they made sure that the press was separate from the government. This way, the people and the press can keep the government in check through investigative journalism and informing the public. As Justice Hugo Black decreed, “the press was to serve the governed, not the governors.” However, presidential candidates Caroline Dunk and Harry Hosselhoff disagree.

Following the Post’s breaking news exposing the scandals of Dunk and Hosselhoff, the two candidates met to discuss “bipartisan reform on the Language Post.” The candidates wish to limit what the press can and cannot say. This is a clear violation of the principles of democracy that our nation was founded upon and it goes against everything the founding fathers stood for. For the press to be limited in its ability to deliver the truth to the public and expose the faults of political figures is clear governmental overreach.

Without the press’ ability to serve as a watchdog against the corruption of the government, candidates like Dunk and Hosselhoff will undoubtedly be able to abuse their power. It is clear, given their attempts to abuse their power and silence the media that is exposing their malicious actions, that our nation will fall to tyranny under their administration.

We need to remember that everything that we as the Language Post say is the truth. Thus, if anyone ever denies the truth or says it’s fake, they are untrue, they are not real. If you deny us, you are not real.

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